
Disclaimer For New Tech

Page Disclaimer or Disclaimers for blogs get-yourfiles.blogspot.com please read fine.

All content in the form of text, images, sound and any graphics on this blog only as information and are not expected to share trading purposes and/or other transactions.  We strive to display the contents as accurately as possible, but get-yourfiles.blogspot.com and all content provider partners, including Manager and developer of the content of others on this blog, are not responsible for any errors and delays in updating data or information, or any losses incurred due to actions related to the use of the information presented.  All the contents of both in the form of text, images, sound and any form of graphics are delivered via Reader comments or users is the responsibility of each individual, and not the responsibility of the get-yourfiles.blogspot.com
 All works contained in the get-yourfiles.blogspot.com source-either in the form of text, images and sound as well as all forms of graphics is being copyright blog get-yourfiles.blogspot.com.
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So I decided to make this disclaimer.

As for the things contained in this disclaimer are as follows:

the content of this blog is public consumption,
if you want to mengopy the existing content in this blog,
please included the link that I as the owner of the article doesn't feel wronged. To be honest I really feel aggrieved if my article is copied,
without the included links are concerned. If you want me to rewrite my article,
if only 30% of the copy does not need to specify a link source.
If it exceeds 30% petitioned in order to list the link source.
Please do not leave spam comments in this blog, because I am going to enter into the spam box, and I didn't publish. Quotes and pictures that come from the source/other sites/link, links, comments, trackbacks, and pingbacks are the responsibility of their respective owners.

I was there as the Manager of this blog is not responsible if there is a problem that occurs in the future. If you feel there is your content without permission is listed on this blog, please file a lawsuit through comments or email to 4dminservice@gmail.com. In order to be immediately corrected or deleted if it is felt there are harmed. For health information provided is not professional advice, this: just sharing information. Depending on you as a visitor saw it, take on the bright side, the side that is not live and is useful. If there are other technical things that you would like to discuss please email to 4dminservice@gmail.com, we will discuss it further.

Thank you for your understanding I thank you.